Leading a trip to Cuba: November 3 – 12, 2011

Phil’s been invited by the Center for Cuban Studies and his good friend Sandra Levinson to lead a health practitioners trip to Cuba from November 3rd to 12th.

The group will take a deep look at the Cuban health care system and Cuba itself, traveling in Havana and the province of Pinar del Rio. For more information, please read the trip notice or visit the Center for Cuban Studies website. For now, under State Department restrictions, the trip is limited to persons actually engaged in some form of health care provision. The Center expects to receive a People to People health care license soon, which will then extend the possibility for non-health care practitioners to come on our health care trip; when this occurs, Phil will make an announcement.

As the trip is only two months away, please contact Phil or the Center as soon as possible if you’re interested.

Fluent in Spanish, Phil first went to Cuba in 1968 for a month’s time under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Health and subsequently organized the first large health practitioners’ trip to Cuba later that year. His most recent trip was in January of 2010. There will be modifications to the trip plan to include more of an experience of current Cuban psychiatry/psychotherapy. According to Phil, “my aim is to have a lot of fun, steep ourselves in Cuba and its present political, cultural and economic evolution, and to get a feel for a national health care system at work, and specifically for the Cuban health care system.”

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